Administrators are dealing with these issues right now:

  1. Emotional outbursts/issues that disrupt the classroom.
  2. Loss of instructional time because of emotional issues.
  3. Teachers who are leaving because of difficult students.
  4. A lack of strategies for teachers to use with these students.

Everywhere I go, I hear this: We had trauma informed care workshops. I now know what it is, but I have no idea what to do about it.

How does the Emotional Poverty book/training change outcomes?

  1. It provides concrete strategies to address many emotional issues.
  2. It provides a conceptual shift for educators.
Seeing the student as sick/bad Seeing the student as injured
Unable to name emotional realities Can name many emotional realities
Few strategies for calming students Many strategies for calming students
Little understanding of the causes of behavior A basic understanding of emotional development
“One size fits all” discipline strategies Differing approaches depending on the bonding and attachment styles of the students
Little acknowledgement of the emotional impact of the adults in the classroom and on campus A much deeper understanding of the emotional impact of stages of adult development and its impact on the students
No strategic tools for monitoring the emotional realities of the most unstable students Use of emotional triage to keep the campus safer
Little understanding of brain processing by gender Fewer issues/referrals with male students
The role of “less than” and “separate from” realities of environments (e.g. racism, sexism, death, dual-language issues) Tools to lessen the frequency of such issues on the campus

How do you implement this on your campus or in your district?


  1. Book study: There is a study guide in the back of the book. It is also available online.
  2. Bring in a consultant to do a one-day workshop with your staff using the book. Call (800) 424-9484 for booking information.
  3. Participate in a live, online training.
  4. Develop certified trainers who have the PowerPoints and can do the training in your district as long as each person in the training has a book.
    1. Options include:
      1. Live, online certification
      2. In-person national events
      3. Private district training: If you have 40 or more people, we will come to your location and do a certified training.
  1. On-demand, self-paced workshops
    1. Emotional Poverty on-demand workshop coming soon.
    2. Contact the sales team for large group licensing with your staff: (800) 424-9484