Want to talk with others in your community about complex community issues? Want to build greater understanding (theirs and yours) and a blueprint for action?

Maybe you want to get some ideas on how to develop winning grant applications or advance your organization’s mission more effectively.

Now is the time to start making your plans to attend Addressing the Challenges of Poverty: Solutions for K–12, Higher Education, and Communities. This conference brings together—for the first time ever—K–12 practitioners, communities, and higher education professionals so they can join forces for maximum impact on reducing poverty.

This is an event you will not want to miss. Why? Because it’s all about solutions, working together, and helping each other.

Please join us: October 1–2, 2012, in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Here are five ways you will benefit by attending. You will:

  1. Learn how to move your mission forward. Complex social problems no longer can be solved by individual organizations working in isolation. Instead, we must break out of traditional silos and work across organizations, sectors, and demographics to accomplish institutional and community goals.
  2. Gain new ideas about funding your mission. Funders increasingly require an inclusive, collaborative approach in grant applications. You’ll discover how A Framework for Understanding Poverty, Bridges Out of Poverty, and the College Achievement Alliance can be used to forge partnerships that impact poverty from cradle to college, career, and beyond.
  3. Learn from your favorite national consultants, as well as from experienced practitioners. You can choose from a range of strands depending on your interest: K–12, Bridges, and higher education. There is even a strand for those who are new to Bridges.
  4. Network with others facing challenges similar to yours. You’ll have time to swap business cards and experiences during the pre-event reception, lunch, breaks, and sector-specific, open-forum sessions.
  5. Gain inspiration and energy from Ruby Payne’s keynote address. If you’ve heard Ruby speak before, you know she is wise, witty, thought-provoking, compassionate, and insightful. In short, she is phenomenal and not to be missed.

If possible, bring others from your institution and community with you. You’ll build synergy to launch a systemic initiative—or take your current initiative to the next level.

Sound like a great opportunity to grow professionally and help your institution and community too? Simply click this link for more information and a link to register. We look forward to seeing you in Indy … and to the great things you will do with the information you learn!