In my research for Emotional Poverty Volume 2, I read this book on emotional and psychological abuse that occurs within very strict, closed religions. As Marlene Winell writes in Leaving the Fold, part of being able to maintain the religious group is a strong exclusionary component—you will be kicked out of the group if you do…

Because one of the very basic needs of all humans is to belong, there will be a necessity to negate any part of the self that does not adhere to group norms, or it will be necessary to leave. It adds a further component of damage in that these directives are coming from “God,” and there is an added level of divine punishment and condemnation. The book explores the kinds of emotional and psychological abuse that can be a part of closed religious groups.

Listening to My Body by Gabi Garcia is a book for young children to understand the emotional information that they are getting from their body. The book features wonderful illustrations by Ying Hui Tan.