Addressing the Challenges of Poverty national conference presentation spotlight

Poverty looks different in rural areas, and often, the resources to address it are much fewer. This means that rural communities face unique challenges when addressing poverty, but they also have unique strengths. This session will share strategies designed to help small, under-resourced agencies maximize their small town’s resources to support their fledgling Getting Ahead program. Each presenter will use their own agency’s Getting Ahead journey as a backdrop for sharing lessons learned, strengths and successes, and even examples of what not to do. Participants who work or live in rural communities with little resources and those who are just beginning their Getting Ahead initiatives or are considering starting one might find this breakout the most helpful.

Learning objectives include:

  • Gain an understanding of the strengths and challenges that exist in a rural community when beginning a Getting Ahead initiative.
  • Learn concrete strategies to use your strongest resources to improve your beginning-stage program.
  • Hear stories of lessons learned from Getting Ahead facilitators.

Target audience: New to aha! Process strategies, Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin’-By World, Bridges Out of Poverty, Staying Ahead

Presenters: Sister Martha Beaudoin, executive director, Kelly Mays, case manager, Seton Center, Emmitsburg, Maryland, Melissa Shank, Getting Ahead co-facilitator

Date/Location: Tuesday, September 25, Addressing the Challenges of Poverty national conference, Atlanta, Georgia