

Note: This trainer recertification is provided on demand. Purchase now, and complete it once the updated training materials are shipped to you.

This recertification is for Bridges to Health and Healthcare certified trainers who would like to renew their two-year trainer certificates or upgrade to a lifetime certificate. Expired certificate holders are also welcome to participate and renew their license. Terie Dreussi-Smith, one of the coauthors of Bridges to Health and Healthcare, provides updates on the health and healthcare sector, new slides, and new information for you to use in your workshops.

Certified trainers receive:

  • Online Newsletter
  • Free shipping
  • $1.50 per book discount with the purchase of 50 or more books of the same title

Additionally, as a lifetime trainer certificate holder, you will receive one yearly online recertification session for free!

Training Prerequisites: Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities, Bridges Out of Poverty – Trainer Certification



– Trainers must recertify every two years by December 31st of the second full year following certification.

– This recertification can be a renewal of the 2-year Trainer Certification or an upgrade to a Lifetime Trainer Certificate.