I have finished writing Emotional Poverty 2. It will be released in August 2020. Part of the research that I did was for Chapter 6 on parenting. Parenting is one of the most emotional activities in which any adult engages. Implicit bias and institutional bias are a part of any parent-teacher interaction—on both sides.

This book, Erasing Institutional Bias, provides excellent definitions of implicit and institutional bias. The book solely focuses on racial bias and does not look at socioeconomic bias or the bias that exists between well-educated and less-educated adults. In Emotional Poverty 2, there is a checklist for the kinds of bias, including race, class, language, and educational levels, that impact our relationships with parents.

Our statistics on male students in K–12 are not good. Seventy-eight percent of educators are women, but 50% of the students are males. Male students account for the majority of discipline referrals, special education students, nonreaders, and dropouts. I am reading everything I can find on male brains. This book was written because we do so much explanation for girls about girls but virtually none for boys. Natterson is writing Decoding Boys so that boys can have the same level of support as they go through changes. If you are the mother of a boy, I recommend this book.