Addressing the Challenges of Poverty national conference presentation spotlight

This presentation will discuss a research study using Investigations, the higher education version of Getting Ahead, with first- and second-semester nursing students. The discussion will contain topics of experience from the researcher in teaching the course and implementing the course for college credit. Results of the study will be discussed, along with how these results can improve retention rates in nursing programs.

Learning objectives include:

  • Become knowledgeable about incorporating an Investigations course for credit.
  • Review research and statistics regarding the Investigations course.
  • Discuss future implications and opportunities for the Investigations course.

Target audience: Advanced aha! Process users, Higher Education, Staying Ahead, Healthcare

Presenter: Angela Martindale, clinical assistant professor of Nursing, @admartindale, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Time/Location: Monday, September 24, Addressing the Challenges of Poverty national conference, Atlanta, Georgia