Addressing the Challenges of Poverty national conference presentation spotlight

Access to available services starts with knowing what services are available. Individuals have a multitude of needs, and you can only address a couple of them. For example, how can you make a warm referral to organizations you know can truly help? Bring social services together and build a powerful online social services directory and assessment tool. Learn how East Texas Human Needs Network partnered with Simon Solutions to develop and publish a powerful, yet simple and user-friendly, online directory and assessment tool.

Learning objectives include:

  • How to build a social services network
  • How to build a social services directory that is user-friendly
  • How to assess and make referrals for the most critical needs

Target Audience: Advanced aha! Process users, Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin’-By World, Bridges Out of Poverty, Staying Ahead

Presenter: Christina Fulsom, network weaver, East Texas Human Needs Network, Tyler, Texas

Date/Location: Monday, September 24, Addressing the Challenges of Poverty national conference, Atlanta, Georgia